I am sure that I speak for many when I say I that miss the restaurant experience. The atmosphere, seeing my friends, drinking fine wine and eating fine food. So, I went out with the aim to bring the restaurant experience to the kitchen (with a small budget of course). Big expectations hey! I am still new to the art of wine pairing so my expectations were not high.

The plan was to make a creamy garlic seafood dish paired with a white wine. To find the wine I went to Dan Murphy’s, it is not the fanciest place, but I was looking for an international wine and their selection did not disappoint. I purchased a 2018 Italian Abbazia Monte Oliveto.

First thing was to taste the wine. Upon tasting the wine, the aroma was of green olive with nutty undertones. The wine was dry, had crisp clean flavors of tropical fruit and slight citrus tones of lime. I prefer a red wine over white any day, but this wine was easy and tasteful to drink.

No complaints with the results as the wine and the dish matched. The wine complimented the creaminess of the dish and the dish complimented the crispness of the wine. After eating, the cream brought out a slight buttery and vanilla tone in the wine, which was a surprising added bonus, and considering my budget it was enjoyable and fulfilled what I was aiming for.

I didn’t want to spend time talking about the seafood dish because this is not a cooking blog, so instead for those curious I decided to include the link: https://cafedelites.com/creamy-garlic-scallops/. I can’t wait to try again with a different dish and wine.
